S p e c i a l   T o p i c s   I n   I n t e r n a  t i o n a l   R e l a t  i o n s

 F a l l  ( H a l f )  S e m e s t e r   2 0 0 6





Prof.  C a r l o   A.  P e l a n d a






GLOBIS, 113 Franklin House (Corner of E. Broad St. and So. Thomas St)  


706 542-6633 (Office)

Office Hours

1:30-3:00, Tuesdays and Thursdays

Class Meetings:

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30-6:15 ( to be confirmed )

Required Readings:

Reading Packet (available at the beginning of the course) 

Course Requirements:

Students will be required to attend class regularly and participate actively in discussions and  to keep up with reading assignments  

Info on Prof

See www.carlopelanda.com , click Vita


30% research (term) paper, 60% final exam (test) and 10% class participation




C O U R S E   D E S C R I P T I O N

This course will examine the policy problems and issues concerned with the formation of a political architecture of the global market. The course will be divided into three segments:

1.       The economic, political and cultural context of the globalisation: A general overview

1.       Review of the global and anti-global theories

2.       The current transition in the model of world order

3.       Scenario and identification of the new requirements for a global political architecture

2.        The theory of Balanced Sovereignty   ( Pelanda Savona 2001)

1.       The relationship between sovereignty and wealth

2.       The requisite of equilibrium between  global standards and national sovereignties

3.       The model of the “Converging Sovereignties” (PelandaSavona 2005)

4.       Appendix: The euroamerican scenario

3.       Designing the new global institutions according to the “ Converging Sovereignties Model”

1.       Economy

2.       Security

3.       Ecology


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